Tatra Museum of Cinema and Photography
Part of the town: Poprad (časť mesta)

Tatra Museum of Cinema and Photography
In the immediate center of the High Tatras, Tatra village Smokovec, is reconstructed log house called Vila Alice, which is from June 2015 became the home of a new private Slovak Museum. Visitors consecrates the past Tatras, where life had not been so hasty when camera and camera equipment were not part of every tourist. Past that time he went by his uninterrupted pace and this time he was able to record your camera and camera.
Metamorphoses of the Tatra Mountains
Year-long exhibition of the museum depicts the life, atmosphere and converting Tatras captured camera lens or camera, as well as the art of people in film and photography were active since 1870. In addition to the transformations Tatras exhibition offers a view of the development of photographic equipment from the late 19th century.
Personalities working in the Tatras
A separate section of the exhibition is devoted to the works of personalities Tatra cinema and photography working in the Tatras. Thanks to testimony from relatives, or receive a personal exhibit visitor to get to know personalities like those of Karol Divald st., Juraj Weincziller, Milan Legutky and William Malik.
Photo exhibition
As the permanent exhibition does not offer the possibility to complete variation, spetrením visit to the museum is an exhibition of photographs and memorabilia on current topics. In addition to exhibitions affecting the personalities in our Hall of Fame they have been exhibited, for example, and photo collections on topics Tatra trams, photography High Tatras on the Slovak postage stamps and an exhibition mapping the life of George Wolkra as part of a larger event Wolkrová Polianka.
Basic admission: 2,00 EUR
* an adult
Discounted admission: 1,20 EUR
* Student, retired, severe disability
Family entrance fee: 5,00 EUR
* Family (two adults and their children)
* Children under 7 years free
Vila Alica, Starý Smokovec 26, Vysoké Tatry
Part of the town: Poprad (časť mesta)
Telephone: +421 948 007 704
Email: info@muzeumtatry.sk